Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year

As 2013 comes to end tonight I have so many things to be thankful for. My wonderful husband and three amazing children.  I hope the coming year is filled with health, joy, success, and happiness. May 2014 be a great year for all- it's a blank page, so let's make it a good one!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Run Run Run

It's not yet 6:30am on a Saturday morning and I am up and ready to run. Running is my one real vice/outlet with working full time and three busy children. I enjoy the quiet time to think about the week or things that need to get done as much as I do the conversations I haws with those I run with. One of my New Year's resolutions is to run at least 2 half marathons in 2014. I did 2 last year, the Jungle 1/2in Los Gatos and the Rock n Roll in San Jose. I would ideally like to finish under 2 hours, that would be so satisfying.

Monday, December 23, 2013


As I wrapped Christmas gifts for the kids last night, there was one things that really set in. Out children ages almost 7 and twins who are 5 1/2 have everything they really want/need. I feel so fortunate that we can provide the things that they want. In 2014 I am hoping that we can have more quality family time, you know playing at the house, going to the park, working on school work. The kids relish the time that we spend with them more than any tangible gift that can be bought and wrapped. We have choosen to give to the Second Harvest Food bank and local Sacred Heart charities which provide children with toys and clothese during the holidays season. I get such a sense of value and personal reward in knowing that we are able to help those who are less fortunate than us during a time of year which can be so hard.

Cookies cookies cookies

Most of the morning has been in the kitchen making batches of Christmas cookies.  Of course we need cookies for Santa but also for our families.  Here is just a sneak peak at one of the batches 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Prayers and Support

Last night while at Sophia's Christmas performance, I was informed that one of the moms at school has a niece who is very sick with a brain tumor. As I sat and watched the performance I couldn't help but think of how unimaginable it would be to lose your child at 6 years old. Today I visited the blog that the family/mom of the daughter has created and I am astounded by her strength and depth during this journey. I pray that her daughter will be the exception and beat this. Please see the attached link to follow their journey and pray for the strength they all need. Blog- Journey for JLK

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Show Tonight

Looking forward to seeing Sophia's Christmas play tonight at school. It so cute to see all the kids signing on stage all dressed up- true spirit of Christmas!


Starting my morning off with some great motivation/inspiration from +jillianMichaels https://plus.google.com/u/0/+JillianMichaels/posts/dA4iocP4WRT#+JillianMichaels/posts/dA4iocP4WRT

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Where does the weekend go?? We were fortunate to attend a mass which reminded us to be patient and kind. Going out of your way to smile at someone in church, helping a friend or neighbor.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Loving our tree this year


During this busy holiday season it's so easy to get caught up in presents rather than understanding what the season is about. We need to focus more time and emphasis on family, friends, and those in need.

First post- here we go!

Let's give this a go! I am hoping that starting in 2014 I will be better about posting more about healthy eatting, new recipes, progress on running/conditioning.